One of the nation’s most famous educators and bullying experts will speak about civility and self-respect Thursday, Nov. 20 on the campus of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.
Rosalind Wiseman is the author of the best seller, Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and the New Realities of Girl World, which was the basis for the movie, “Mean Girls.” She will give the presentation “Owning up: Creating a Culture of Dignity in your School and Community” at 7:30 p.m. in the Morris University Center Meridian Ballroom.
Wiseman is an internationally known educator who uses education and advocates social justice to help youth, parents and educators deal with the social challenges facing young people today. She is the author of the comprehensive social justice program for grades 6-12, Owning Up Curriculum, which is in use across the country.
Other recent books by the bullying expert include:
• Boys, Girls & Other Hazardous Materials, (2010)
• Masterminds and Wingmen: Helping Our Boys Cope with Schoolyard Power, Locker-Room Tests, Girlfriends, and the New Rules of Boy World, (2013)
In Anderson Cooper’s special CNN report: “Bullying It Stops Here” (Part 1 of 4), Wiseman said:
“(Bullying) is what I’ve been writing and teaching about for 20 years. Teachers, administrators and parents will look at this (bullying) and say, ‘Well, that’s just the way it is. That’s the way human beings are.’ But the thing we have to consistently say to people is that degrading people is never right. It always comes down to whether you are being degraded by race, your socio-economic status, from where you come from, from your sexual orientation or from your perceived sexual orientation.”
Wiseman annually works with tens of thousands of students, educators, parents, counselors, coaches and administrators to create communities based on the belief that each person has a responsibility to treat themselves and others with dignity.
For tickets and information, visit the SIUE Morris University Center Welcome Desk, or call (618) 650-5774.
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