Dr. Stephen Hansen will serve as interim dean of the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville College of Arts and Sciences effective Monday, Jan. 5. Hansen is a former dean of the SIUE Graduate School and history professor in the College of Arts and Sciences.
“Dr. Hansen is highly respected among the members of the University community and he has a long and devoted record of service to the University,” Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Parviz Ansari said. “He deeply cares about SIUE. His collaborative approach to running the College and partnering with other deans will be significantly important in advancing the mission of the University.”
Chancellor Julie Furst-Bowe highlights Hansen’s knowledge of the College of Arts and Sciences and his administrative experience as key factors in selecting him to fill this post.
“As a professor emeritus in the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Hansen has worked with many of the faculty and staff and is already collaborating to identify their priorities and help them plan for the future,” Furst-Bowe explained.
Hansen plans to help the University’s largest academic unit continue to provide excellence in education.
“One of the things that I’ve learned in my previous experience is that administration is most effective when administrators understand that they are there to support and encourage the faculty, and facilitate learning,” he said.
Hansen’s term as interim dean is expected to run through July 31, 2015. During his appointment, a search for a new dean will be conducted. Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Aldemaro Romero resigned earlier this semester, effective December 31, 2014.
Photo: Dr. Stephen Hansen